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Wounded elephant limps to a local lodge and gets medical attention


People infected with filariasis who have microfilaraemia or a positive antigen test should receive antifilarial drug treatment to eliminate microfilariae. Unfortunately, the medicines available have limited effect on adult worms. Treatment also involvesthe management of morbidity and disability prevention (MMDP) that includes simple hygiene measures, such as basic skin care and exercise, to prevent acute attacks and progression of lymphoedema to elephantiasis. For management of hydrocoele, surgery may be appropriate. MMDP includes also psychological and socioeconomicsupport for people with disabling conditions to ensure that they have equal access to rehabilitation services and opportunities for health, education and income. Activities beyond medical care and rehabilitation include promoting positive attitudestowards people with disabilities, preventing the causes of disabilities, providing education and training, supporting local initiatives, and supporting micro- and macro-income-generating schemes.

Wounded elephant limps to a local lodge for help

The details of the aftermath are confused in a maze of sensationalist newspaper stories and folklore. For example, the aforementioned newspaper account described Mary as impaling Eldridge with her tusks, despite female Asian elephants lacking tusks. Most accounts indicate that she calmed down afterwards and did not charge the onlookers, who began chanting "Kill the elephant! Let's kill it." Within minutes, local blacksmith Hench Cox tried to kill Mary, firing five rounds with little effect.[3] Meanwhile, the leaders of several nearby towns threatened not to allow the circus to visit if Mary was included.The circus owner, Charlie Sparks, reluctantly decided that the only way to quickly resolve the potentially ruinous situation was to kill the wounded elephant in public. On the following day, a foggy and rainy September 13, 1916, Mary was transported by rail to Unicoi County, Tennessee, where a crowd of over 2,500 people (including most of the town's children) assembled in the Clinchfield Railroad yard.

The elephant was hanged by the neck from a railcar-mounted industrial derrick between four o'clock and five o'clock that afternoon.[5] The first attempt resulted in a snapped chain, causing Mary to fall and break her hip as dozens of children fled in terror. The severely wounded elephant died during a second attempt and was buried beside the tracks. A veterinarian examined Mary after the hanging and determined that she had a severely infected tooth in the precise spot where Red Eldridge had prodded her.[6] The authenticity of a widely distributed (and heavily retouched) photo of her death was disputed years later by Argosy magazine.[3]

05 February 2023Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence uprooting a post, rangers pushed them out and towards conservancy // Rangers found an adult zebra with an injury on the neck that appears to be a cut, rangers to monitor // Rangers found a carcass of the adult monkey that was reported to have chased lodge staff on 2/2 // Report from the community that a hippo was disturbing farmers, rangers responded and found an adult hippo near human settlements, rangers pushed him away, its body condition was confirmed ill, but no injuries observed, rangers to monitor, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 cow, jackal killed 1 goat

02 February 2023Big Life intel led to a joint investigation leading to the arrest of 3 suspects that had 40kg of raw wildebeest meat and 3kg of cooked wildebeest meat // Rangers received information about elephant that were near human settlements and blocking paths, rangers moved them away, no damage caused // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, they exited the same way, damaged wires and uprooted a post // An additional report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them to conservancy, wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found 47 cows illegally grazing in sanctuary, rangers held them at the outpost awaiting owners and the case was later resolved // Report received of an adult monkey suspected of suffering from rabies was chasing local lodging staff, rangers responded and found an estimated 50 monkeys but non appeared aggressive, they searched but were unsuccessful, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

31 January 2023An off-duty ranger apprehended 2 suspects with gazelle meat, rangers responded and arrested the suspects, gazelle meat weighed 11.8kg and was caught by a snare, recovered 1 panga and 1 torch // Report of illegal development by unknown people, rangers responded and found approximately 15 people repairing houses and fencing land, rangers stopped them and informed a local coordinator // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, several wires were damaged // Report of a fresh adult giraffe carcass, cause of death unknown

21 January 2023Ranger received information about suspects that broke into a lodge and stole money, dog unit followed up in a joint operation and tracked the suspects, tracks indicated they went through a gate on a motorbike, polive took fingerprints, investigation ongoing // Ranger received information that an elephant damaged a water tank, damaged was confirmed // Elephant crossed a fence into a compound and damaged borehole pipes, fence attendents made repairs // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

23 October 2022Elephants crossed to the wrong side of the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them back over, wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found a carcass of an adult giraffe speared by unknown suspect on the right side // Report of fire in national park, joint operation contained the fire, operation to continue // Rangers found an adult giraffe with a fresh spear wound, cause of injury suspected poaching, KWS informed // Report of lions that seriously injured a community members cow, rangers responded and confirmed the injury to a back leg, rangers helped to transport the cow to the owner's home // Rangers responded to an active elephant crop raid and pushed it away // Hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

11 October 2022Rangers reported an adult zebra carcass, cause of death unknown // Rangers confirmed the carcass of a fresh elephant calf reported on 10/10, cause of death unknown // Rangers followed up on the fire from 10/10 in the national park, some smoke from smoldering logs detected, rangers to monitor // Rangers found the carcass of a sub-adult zebra, cause of death unknown, suspected drought // Rangers reported that elephant damaged the borehole of a local hospital // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult male impala, suspected cause of death, died from injuries inflicted during a fight // Rangers prevented elephants from breaking a school fence, no damage caused // Rangers prevented elephants from crop-raiding // Hyena killed 7 goats in 4 incidents

02 October 2022Reported fire in national park, rangers helped put it out, suspected arson // Big Life intel helped recover motorbike loaded with bushmeat from unknown species, investigation ongoing // Elephants crossed to the wrong side of the crop protection fence, entered a farm through a gate, uprooted two gate posts, fence attendants repaired the damage // Another incident of elephants inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them out, fence attendants fixed a post // An elephant crossed a fence and destroyed several grocery stalls close to school, exited on its own // Wildebeest carcass found, cause of death suspected drought // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

01 October 2022Report of adult female giraffe entangled in a private fence, rangers responded and rescued her // Bush fire in National Park, rangers helped put it out // 2 separate reports of giraffe carcasses, cause of death suspected natural // Adult Grant's gazelle carcass found, cause suspected natural // Elephants inside crop protection fence, rangers were able to push some out, but one remained on the wrong side, operation to continue, no damage to fence // 3 separate reports of zebra carcasses, causes of death suspected natural // Rangers prevented elephants from crossing over the crop protection fence, no damage caused // Hyena killed 28 goats in 8 incidents // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents // Cheetah killed 1 goat

19 September 2022Lone elephant calf reported, rangers confirmed and Sheldricks notified, taken to orphanage // Elephant carcass found, cause of death unknown, tusks recovered // Cow reported injured by elephant, rangers confirmed it was weak from drought and charged by elephant protecting her weak calf. Rangers monitored it, herd abandoned the calf, Sheldricks notified and taken to orphanage // Bushfire reported in national park, rangers helped put it out // 1 goat reported stolen, rangers arrested suspects that slaughtered it // Zebra foal stuck in community borehole rescued // Illegal bridge into Sanctuary for livestock destroyed // Giraffe with snare reported, vet notified // Wildebeest stuck in river died // Elephant crossed crop-protection fence and exited on its own, fence damage repaired // Elephants entered crop-protection fence through open community gate and exited on their own, one house damaged // Giraffe reported inside wire fence, rangers pushed it out // Zebra unable to stand reported, suspected drought related // Lesser kudu carcass found, killed by bushmeat poachers, meat taken // Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents // Jackal killed 4 goats in 3 incidents // Cheetah killed 3 goats in 1 incident // Elephant killed 1 goat

31 August 2022Big Life intel helped arrested 3 suspects with 10 kg of giraffe meat and dik-dik meat // 2 people injured in motorbike accident take to hospital for treatment // Eland carcass found, cause of death unknown, suspected drought // Rangers rescued juvenile wildebeest from domestic dogs // Weak zebra found, unable to stand, suspected drought related // Kudu carcass found, cause of death unknown // 2 snares recovered // Elephant damaged school wire fence // Elephants reported near community, rangers responded but they had moved away // Elephants raided 1 farm, rangers pushed them away to reduce damage // Rangers prevented elephants before crop-raiding // Hyena killed 11 goats and 2 cows in 13 incidents // Cheetah killed 2 goats and 1 cow // Jackal killed 3 goats 2ff7e9595c

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